Monday, November 17, 2014

Oro Se’ni Wo, Ka Le M’eni To F’eni (In tribulations we know true lovers) – Pa Kasumu

The exemplary Nollywood actor, Kayode Odumosu (a.k.a Pa Kasumu) appeared to be in critical situation 4 years back. The talented actor was diagnosed with heart-kidney related syndrome. Having come over the tribulations with swift recuperation step-by-step, Pa Kasumu with his comedian voice opens up and gives thanks through media to God, to the state governments involved and above all, all Nigerians for support rendered from different angles throughout his ordeals.


Thank God for the successful surgery?
Thank you very much and thank God for everything, but I have not gone for the operation I’m still in Nigeria receiving treatment here and there.

How did you manage to bounce back after all that happened to you?
Thank God for His goodness. My first appreciation goes to my Maker, to all the medical practitioners in Nigeria, especially Lagos and Ogun state. It is their work and duty anyway to see to it and they did it and I thank God for it.

How is the state of your health now, how are you feeling?
I’m feeling far better compared to when it started 2009 up till 2012, but now I thank God because there is a great improvement, apart from my sight that is giving me problem. As I’m looking at you I’m seeing double objects, that is, you are two in my sight. So I’m still battling this.

Who are those who helped you?
Ha! Nigerians, let me say Nigerians. First, I give thanks to Almighty God; then to my state governor, Senator Ibikunle Amosun; Lagos state governor, Babatunde Raji Fashola (SAN) and Nigerians. My lovers both home and abroad, I give thanks to them.

There is a person among them that does not want his name to be published. He gave me some amount which I would not disclose here but I know whenever he goes through this magazine, he will appreciate it. I appreciate him so much because this is the person I never met before one on one. I thank him so much.

In fact, there is a boy who deposited N250 in the account, you can imagine that! I know if he had more than that he would have done more. Also, my appreciation goes to my church, Mountain of Fire & Miracles Ministries (MFM) and my General Overseer, Dr D.K. Olukoya. He’s indeed a daddy. To one of my bosses Olu Akinlabi, who invited me to “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire” and was able to get N500, 000. My thanks go to Day Star Church, KICC Church, Ikorodu General Hospital, Lagos State Teaching Hospital and last Mrs. Olajide of Lagos State Teaching Hospital Laboratory. I give thanks to everybody and appreciate them so much.

What are the lessons you learnt while down with sickness?
Many. In fact, from friends, family and colleagues. In fact, different experiences anyway. But Yoruba says, “Oro se’ni wo, ka le m’eni to f’eni (It is in tribulations that we know those who love us). That is only what I will say, I won’t say more than that.

How will you now describe your life since you moved to Abeokuta?
Oh wonderful, better. I give thanks to God. Honestly, I give thanks to God for making it happen, though I had it in mind that I was going to settle in Abeokuta when I get to this age and it happened. I will say God hears prayers.

We learnt you have started acting again, is it true?
Yes, it’s my profession. I don’t have any other work apart from acting, but I’m having a slight challenge with my sight now.

So, it means if they give you a script now you would not be able to interpret it because of your eye problem?
Why? Nobody brought me from my bedroom to the parlour here, at least I moved from the inner room to the parlour. The sight problem was on and off. I have been using glasses to correct my sight and move around. If I remove it, I can still move or read with it. But unlike now that I see an object as two, so it’s a terrible thing.

When I was invited for a production with Tunji Bamishigbin, it wasn’t this terrible. Now it’s consistent. I know I’m active; it’s only the sight problem. There is no way you can have a sight problem and be happy with it, but I thank God I can recognize colour.

I thank God for this. That is why I told you there is hope because of the manner they are handling it at Ikorodu General Hospital. I’m sure things would be better by the grace of God.

How often do you accept scripts now, considering your delicate health?
It depends. I can’t ask people to call me for work. In fact, there was a man that came to me from Ekiti State, we have known for some time. He told me he’s interested in producing a movie and was here three days ago for the script. He wanted to screenplay his story and that is what I’m working on now. I’m supposed to invite the screenplay people. There are professionals that deal with that, it’s a serial.

How much would you say you lost in terms of movie roles when down with sickness?
(Laugh) I can’t quantify that because if I’m up and doing I know what I would make. I don’t have any other job than this. So, I would have known what I would realize before this time but I give God the glory.

How is your family doing?
They are doing great and fine, I thank God.

What is your plan now?
My plan, by the grace of God, is to have something doing like a business apart from my acting career because I have to fall back on that. Though I’m working on it, I’m not ready to disclose it.

What would you say to your fans both home and abroad?
My dear, I don’t know how to thank them because they all stood by me during that problem, home and abroad. Honestly, I don’t know how to thank them. They sent money, prayers. I appreciate them so much and may God pray for them and gives then all their heart desires in Jesus name.

What are your observations about the present problems facing the industry?
I can’t really say for now. I don’t really know what I can say simply because I’m not fully in there. But all the same, we are still facing some problems. I hope things would be better by the grace of God very soon.

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