Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Nollywood Yoruba Movie Industry, Home of Knowledge Competition

Nollywood Yoruba movie actor, Script writer, Director and Producer, Olayinka Ismail Abioye, reveals all about his real person in and outside movie in an exclusive interview.
Can we meet you sir?
My name is Olayinka Ismail Abioye, I’m from  Inisha, Odo Otin Osun state, Nigeria.
What do you do for living?
I’m a Script writer, producer and actor.
Educational background?
Presently running my Higher National Diploma (HND) at Polytechnic of Ibadan.

What is your discipline?
Computer Science.
You are a computer science student, why acting?
I have passion for acting right from my childhood but never gotten the opportunity to express myself until after my National Diploma (ND) Programme at Polytechnic Ibadan that’s when I joined the theatre group under my boss Mr. Rasaq Olayiwola (Ojopagogo).
What is the name of the group you belong to in the industry?
TANPAN owned by Mr. Rasaq Olayiwola (Ojopagogo).
How can one be a member of TAMPAN?
You need to go to our office and register fully as a member; we have TAMPAN office in every state across Nigeria.
When did you start acting professionally?
Since 2008.
What is the name of the first movie you featured?
Written and produced by me (Olayinka Ismail Abioye),
Directed by: Bukola Adeniyi.
From the beginning, did your parent support your acting career?
At first, my parent did not support my acting career because am from a chronic Muslim home and we practice Islam fully and our believe was that theatre is meant for bad guys and ladies, but I made them realize that theatre is to educate people and at last they supported me fully after I promised them never to abuse theatre or let it affect my religion (ISLAM).
Your marital statue?
Am married with 2 kids.
You are a student, script writer, producer, and actor, how do you manage everything including your marriage?
It’s not been easy at all, that’s why I had to enroll for my HND as a part time student. I believe that with God everything is possible, though it has not been easy at all.
How many movies have you featured?
I’ve featured in so many movies. I can only mention few to save time: Adaba, Owo Iworo, Gbarada, Dada Akoya, Ipo Ola, Kileremi, Ilu and yet to be release Egbon Oba and Ogundagara.
What can you say about the industry?
The little I can say about the industry so far is that, it’s a nice place to be….. It’s an industry full of competition of knowledge with brilliant people. It has made me learn about life and how to handle things because I’ve gotten the opportunity to meet series of people and handle different situation so honestly. So far, all I can say is that movie industry is the best place to be and am really enjoying the industry. I have never seen any reason whatsoever to regret being in the industry.
Piracy is one of the challenges facing the movie industry, how do you cope?

Honestly, piracy has been killing our business and it has been our major challenges. All what we are praying for is government intervention because we can’t do it alone. These people are ready to fight us with any weapon despite the fact that they are the one cheating us. But I believe once the government intervene, it will reduce. So, we are hoping to a better government that will help us fight PIRACY.
What are the steps the movie makers are taking to end piracy?
We have created several anti-piracy groups to fight piracy but they are powerless without government support. It’s not going to be easy at all because piracy group are always facing our anti-piracy group, even ready to kill our anti-piracy group that’s why am insisting on government support.
What is your advice for the upcoming actors?
My advice to them is to be dedicated and focus and to always remember that with time everything is possible.
Who are your favourite actors?
Michael Majid, Mercy Johnson..
Your best movie?
Who is your mentor?
Yomi Fash-Lanso.
Do you have your own group?
 What should your fans be expecting from you soon?
The best of me because the best of me is yet to be seen.

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