Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Facebook Founder, Mark Zuckerberg in Lagos, Nigeria (Photos)

Facebook founder, Mark Zuckerberg arrived in Lagos yesterday 30 August, 2016 on a 2-day visit. The social media icon is here in Nigeria to testify to huge turnout of Nigerians on the facebook and to see how FB can support techno-development in Africa.
The world's 7th richest man quietly came into Nigeria as his first visit to Sub-Saharan Africa to learn about the startup eco-system in Nigeria, the FB’s largest African market. 

He branched at Co-Creation Hub (CC Hub) in Yaba, Lagos.

Monday, August 22, 2016

Warm Reception for Nigeria U-23 on Arrival

The Nigeria Football Federation (NFF) and the ministry of youth and sports have concluded plans to give Nigeria U-23 (Dream Team VI) a suitable welcome on their arrival to Nigeria from Brazil.

Dream Team VI defeated Honduras 3-2 to win the 2016 Olympics men’s football bronze medal in Belo Horizonte on Saturday 20 August, 2016.

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Japanese Millionaire Gives Nigeria U-23 $390k for Winning Bronze in Rio 2016

The Japanese multi-millionaire Dr Katsuya Takasu, who promised Coach Samson Siasia and his boys a huge amount of money has fulfilled immediately after the match.

The Japanese plastic surgeon promised to give $390,000 to Nigeria "Dream Team" if they win Gold, Silver or Bronze at the men’s football event of the Rio Olympics.

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Nigeria U-23 Wins Bronze Defeats Honduras 3 - 2 @ Rio 2016

Nigeria U-23 took on Honduras U23 in the third place final of the Rio Olympics men's football event in Belo Horizonte with 3 – 2 win  to entitle Bronze medal for Nigeria.

The first goal came through Sadiq Umar who converted an accurate pass from the team captain Mikel Obi to the left of Honduras goal keeper Luis Lopez.

Monday, August 8, 2016

Nigeria U-23 Proceeds to Quarter-finals Beat Sweden 1- 0 @ Rio 2016

Nigeria’s U-23 team progressed to the quarter-finals on Sunday 7th July, 2016 at the Men's Olympic Football Tournament Rio 2016 after a 1-0 victory over Sweden in Group B courtesy of a Sadiq Umar header at the Amazonia Arena in Manaus.
For a large part of the match both sides were playing conservatively but Nigeria certainly looked the most threatening in attack.