Saturday, September 8, 2018

Arsenal Signs a Nigerian Wonder Kid, Adetiba

After five weeks on trial at the popular Arsenal football academy in London, the Club signed a nine-year-old Nigerian boy, Jayden Adetiba. The Nigerian-born Adetiba relocated from England to South Africa 2 years ago. He played for the SuperSport United Soccer School in Cape Town.
Adetiba’s coach, Brent Sanders told KweséESPN that the boy has “something special”.
“Jayden worked with me for two years from the age of seven, and from his first practice session I could see that he was an exceptional talent that stood out in the group,” Sanders said.
“His mentality is different, the way he goes about his training. His work ethic is a lot better than other kids of his age, and I think that comes down to the way he was brought up,” he added
The coach further stated that the wonder kid progressed almost with every training session.
He had “a real hunger to learn and was able to put that into practice quickly,” Sanders said.
Adetiba while Speaking to The Sun UK, said: “I thank God and my parents for this, I am very happy”
“The amazing thing is, I have always been an Arsenal fan and I will work hard every day to make the first team,” he added.
Adetiba and his teammate won a tournament last year when they went to the Futebol de Salao (FDS) World Cup in Johannesburg.

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