Thursday, January 21, 2021

US President Joe Biden Reverses Travel Ban in First Batch of Executive Orders

US President Joe Biden signs executive orders in the Oval Office of the White House in Washington. The newly sworn-in US President on Wednesday, 20 January 2021, signed several executive orders hours after being sworn in as the 46th President, reversing policies from former President Donald Trump, including what became known as the “Muslim ban”.  

Among the most notable actions signed by Biden were to end the travel ban on some Muslim-majority countries.

Trump issued the ban in what many said was unfair and racist. Biden has also halted a Trump order which helped fund the construction of the border wall with Mexico.  

Also, Biden signed an order that will require the use of facemasks in federal buildings and re-launching the pandemic response team at the National Security Council. It was disbanded by Trump. Battered by the coronavirus pandemic, millions of US citizens filed for unemployment and have been unable to pay off debt, including student loans. Biden asked to extend a freeze loan payments for federal student loans until 30 September. The US will also rejoin the World Health Organization as per Biden’s order. White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki has said that more executive actions would be announced in the coming days and weeks. 

US President Joe Biden signs a raft of executive orders to launch his administration, including a decision to rejoin the Paris climate accord. Hence, US will rejoin the Paris Climate accord in 30 days – something which Biden vowed to do while on the campaign trail. In one of his first cabinet announcements, Biden nominated former Secretary of State John Kerry to be his special envoy on climate change. Meanwhile, French President Emmanuel Macron tweeted about the anticipated move earlier in the day. 

“To @JoeBiden and @KamalaHarris

Best wishes on this most significant day for the American people! 

We are together. 

We will be stronger to face the challenges of our time. Stronger to build our future. Stronger to protect our planet. Welcome back to the Paris Agreement!  Emmanuel Macron (@EmmanuelMacron) January 20, 2021” 


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