Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Actress Beauty without Ability to Deliver Is Nothing – Mosun Filani

The marvelous Nollywood seasonal actress and a producer, Mosun Filani is a set of the league of second generation of glamour girls in the Yoruba sector of the industry. The ace actress stands shoulder high with the very best in the industry, with more than five scores of movies to her credit.
Since her marriage to politician and businessman, Kayode Oduoye, the actress has been out scene, in which many ascribed this to unconfirmed controversies befell her marriage. To prove them wrong, Mosun is back to retain her place among the best in the industry. In this exclusive chat with media, she talks about her marriage, her husband, acting career amongst other.
Do you think your beauty has a part to play in your success in the film industry?
My beauty has nothing to do with the fame, God and hard work has bestowed on me. If an actress is beautiful and lacks the ability to deliver, she won’t be recognized in the industry. That is one of the reasons many actresses have spent donkey years in the industry without being noticed. Beauty should only complement one’s acting skill.
You have an inviting and tempting smile that can sweep a man off his feet. How do you manage
male fans?
It is just a natural thing to smile always when there is a reason to do so. There is a thick line between smiling in appreciation of a gesture (such as comments, compliments etc) and smiling to entice the opposite sex. Unfortunately, I don’t smile to entice but rather I put up smiles to compliment my looks.
How has marriage affected your profession?
Marriage has a positive impact on my profession. The essence of marriage is to bring out a better person in you and that is what I am enjoying. The best way to achieve this is to separate one’s home from the profession.
The news went viral at a time that you were dating Odunlade Odukola.
It was just a gist. Purely baseless and untrue.
Is it true that you are a pompous person as some of your colleagues have claimed?
That is a misconception of my person. I am a down-to-earth person. I relate and accommodate people of different strata in the society. Some people may decide to tag me “Pompous” when I turn down some of their offers. For instance, when a friend or colleague invites me to a night club and I say no to such invitation, does that mean I am being pompous?
How did you meet your husband, Mr Kayode Oduoye?
We met during one of his visits to Abeokuta, Ogun state and the rest is history.
Many people believe you influenced the divorce between your husband and his first wife.
With all sincerity, my husband had divorced his first wife before we met. I have no part in any of the proceedings. I only got to know about his previous marriage after we met.
Apart from acting, do you engage in other things?
Yes, I have a private business that I am developing. I buy and sell things.
At this age, and as a married woman, do you still get advances from men?
I can’t say I still get advances from men. It is not because I am no longer attractive but because I don’t move about unnecessarily. And even when I am out alone, I don’t encourage men to come close let alone approach me.
How would your husband feel if you do sexual roles?
I don’t do sexual roles. Over the years, it has been part of the standard I have raised for myself even when I was still single. I do not take sexual or romantic roles. I don’t kiss, hug or take bedroom roles and I do not intend to start now as a married woman.
How do you see the injection of sex scenes into our films?
They are immoral, against our culture and it does not preach the good virtues of our society.
How and when did you begin acting?
I started acting when I was at the Abeokuta College of Education 15 years back. Though, it was on stage but that was where I understood the rudiment of acting.
What was your first acting experience like?
Well, my first acting experience was very interesting because it was a comedy drama and also on stage.
Briefly, who is Mosun Filani?
I hail from Ikole Ekiti in Ekiti state but was born in Ibadan into a family of six. I had my primary and secondary education in Ibadan before proceeding to Abeokuta College of Education. I had my first degree in Business Education from Tai Solarin University of Education –TASUED. I am married and blessed with two kids.
A lot of things have been written about you, some good, some bad. How do you react to all those things?
People are bound to express themselves according to their opinion or views about people. Sometimes such views could be subjective and influenced by many factors. I can only plead with our journalists to verify their stories appropriately before publication. I look at stories that are negative as those coming from people with biased minds and therefore attach less importance to them. For the positive ones, I see them as encouraging and complimentary to my career and life in general.
What is the nicest thing acting has brought you? Fame.
Your husband is running to represent the Boripe/Odo Otin Federal Constituency at the House of Representatives; do you think he has what it takes to win that seat?
Ifelodun/Boripe/Odo Otin Federal Constituency in Osun State needs a better and functional representation at the federal level and that is what my husband stands for. He will make sure the presence of the federal government is better felt and appreciated by the people of his constituency. The people of Boripe/Odo Otin need to enjoy the dividends of democracy.
Many celebrities’ marriages hardly stand the test of time; what do you think is responsible?
There are different factors peculiar to these marriages and as such it will be quite difficult to enumerate the factors responsible for break ups in all.
How do you intend to keep yours?
However, having a successful marriage requires God being the centre of the home. Others include
true love, patience, tolerance, perseverance, wisdom and mutual understanding that earns the couple mutual respect in the relationship. Our marriage is a gift from God; my hubby and I are committed to making it as blissful as possible. We will achieve the purpose why God brought us together.
What are you working on?
I am presently working on a project with a corporate entity. It will hit the airwaves very soon, just be on the lookout.

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