Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Mother Thrashed 13-Year-Old Daughter for Posing as a Freaky’ Adult on FB

Her Facebook page stated that she’s 19 years old while she’s 13. She is “a freak” and had her images in lacy underwear. That is, until the thirteen-year-old’s mother, Val Starks, found out about the false identity and relation on FB.

A Denver mother's video on Facebook is going viral after she shamed her 13-year-old daughter for posting racy pictures and saying she was 19 years old.

"You're 13," the mother, Valerie Starks, says to the girl. "So why does your Facebook page say that your 19? Are you 19?"

The girl, whose face has been blurred in the video, says, "No."

"You've got a Facebook page and you're on there with your bra on, right?" Starks asks the girl. "Is that what you do?"

When the girl starts crying, Starks continues, "Don't cry now. You wasn't crying when you was posting pictures on Facebook, was you? In a bra? Some little girl in some lace panties that you know you don't own. You still wear panties that say Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday."

Starks told 7NEWS she was floored when she found her daughter's racy Facebook profile and the grown men she was connected with.

"She's had issues with Facebook in the past, at least four times in the past," Starks said. "She spent half of last summer on punishment after being on Facebook, and it wasn't even half as bad."

Starks said she explained to her daughter why she posted the video, which has now been viewed more than 10 million times.

"I said, 'I did this because I love you not because I really wanted to embarrass you,'" she said. "I wanted to make a statement and a stand for all parents that this is not going to be tolerated."

Most of the people who have commented on the video have supported Starks.

Karen Hall-Inglese wrote on Starks' Facebook page, "Now that's how you parent!! From one Mom to another good job!!"

Valeri Jones wrote on Facebook, "You're a good mom, Val. One day, she will understand and appreciate you."

But others have been critical, asking whether humiliating a child is good parenting.

Starks said she's glad the video has sparked conversation.

"Negative or not, maybe it made them think," Starks said.

As for her daughter, she says the girl has learned her lesson.

"She's not mad at me. Her friends are not bullying her at school, and she's OK," Starks said. "Next time she thinks about Facebook, she's going to remember this day."


Vivian said...

How to become bastard girl. whip 'em right.

Charlotti said...

C'est une fille en betise.