Saturday, December 28, 2013

What a Sad Christmas! Veteran Actor, Kayode Odumosu (a.k.a Pa Kasumu)

On telling/Witnessing the story of his ailing health, the veteran actor Kayode Odumosu (a.k.a Pa Kasumu) walked slowly into his living room after having his afternoon shower.  His steps were painful and deliberate as he tried to get his eyes accustomed to the dimly-lit living room.
Although his face still had drops of water drizzling unto the cape of his white Kaftan, he smelt fresh. After a while, he wiped off the drizzle on his forehead with his left hand.
Despite the fact that it was Christmas day, there was nothing in the household of the popular actor to indicate that there was anything merry in the day.  Except for a few visitors, who paid him a visit that day, Pa Kasumu slept throughout Christmas, only getting up in the evening to take a shower and attend to his health.
When the reporter visited him in his one-bedroom apartment on Alayaki Street in a rundown neighbourhood of Mushin, Lagos, Pa Kasumu said although the worst seems over, he is still very ill.
“I am seeing two of you as we speak. My left pupil is bad. When I turn my eyes, it goes straight into my eyelid and it is very painful. There are still so many issues wrong, which I think a proper medical help outside the country can fix. But today, what I desire most are the prayers of Nigerians, which I believe are the most important,” he said.
About two months ago, Pa Kasumu was diagnosed with different kinds of ailment and has appealed to kind-hearted Nigerians to help him offset his huge medical bills. Although about N5 million was raised for the ailing actor, it was far from what he actually needed. However, the Ogun State-born A-list actor is weary of calling Nigerians for help as some have abused the opportunity.
“I am very careful about talking to journalists. Many of them, who have come here, write derogatory things about me and my family, but they claim they are trying to help me. What I will appeal for is prayers from Nigerians, because that is what I need now. If there is help for me to travel abroad, that will be welcome,” he added.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Get well soon sir.