Saturday, March 8, 2014

Loyal to Nigeria's Economy, I Neither have accounts nor property Abroad – Jonathan

President Jonathan has declared that he does not own any bank account or property outside Nigeria. He made the remark during the swearing-in of the 11 new Ministers yesterday.
As tweeted by his Special Assistant on New Media, Reno Omokri, @renoomokri, he said “I am loyal to Nigeria’s economy. I don’t have accounts or property abroad. All my children live and school in Nigeria.”

Nigeria former leaders are often accused of stashing stolen money in foreign accounts and owning expensive properties abroad. The recent revelation by the United States on Wednesday ordered a freeze on $458 million in assets stolen by former Nigerian dictator Sani Abacha and his accomplices and hidden in European accounts. And it was said that the corruption proceedings on stashed away money in bank accounts in Britain, France and New Jersey were frozen.

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