Thursday, June 16, 2016

Obama’s Award Awaits Ooni of Ife, June 13 declared Yoruba Day in NYC

The Ooni of Ife, Oba Adeyeye Ogunwusi, Ojaja II, left for the United States on Wednesday 8th June, 2016 and was on Friday hosted by the indigenes of Ile-Ife, Osun State, resident in the United States.
The monarch, with his entourage, was received at the J.F. Kennedy Airport, New York, by leaders of Ife indigenes and other Nigerians in the US on Thursday.
A New York City Senator, Kevin Parker, and the Brooklyn Borough President, Eric Adams, said the city had secured a proclamation to declare Monday, June 13, 2016 as Yoruba Day.
They said the action was to honour the monarch.
The statement added that a number of programmes had been scheduled to honour the traditional ruler while in the country.

The Ooni was billed to visit President Barack Obama at the White House, where he would receive an award in honour of his Royal Majesty as an Ambassador of Peace at the White House on Wednesday.
Additionally a jam-packed US visit includes a special guest appearance at the illustrious Odunde Festival in Philadelphia, Pa, which was established in 1975 to celebrate the Yoruba people. It will also be an opportunity for the traditional ruler of Nigeria’s Ile-Ife—considered the birthplace of all Yoruba people—to engage more than 3,000 Ife indigenes living in the US on development of the ancient Yoruba town.
“All Ife natives in the US are excited and energised for this epochal occasion, according to one of the leaders of Ife Ooye North America group, Chief Olubunmi Awopileda. “It will be an occasion to showcase our very rich culture with our king as the symbol.”
The Ooni of Ife paid a visit to United Nations headquarters in NYC, as well as an African Burial Ground Monument in lower Manhattan on Friday. Information Nigeria gathers that Oba Ogunwusi will be in the US till the end of the month where he will attend several events starting from June 11th till June 29th.

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