Abiodun Sofuyi Okeowo, also known as “Tolani Osinrin” is a well-known name in the Yoruba genre of Nollywood, the Nigerian movie industry. A single mother of two, Abiodun is barely seven years in the industry. But she is already a known face with her scintillating performances. Reputed to have one of the sexiest shapes in the industry, this Lagos State University graduate of Communication Arts who is known for her calmness, has also produced many films on her own. She spoke with MURPHY AJIBADE... Excerpts:
Tell us when, where and how you joined the movie industry?
I started with the Ray Eyiwunmi Organisation. It is a group consisting of Lasun Ray, Muka Ray, and Murphy Ray. I started February 2006. I joined the group and became like an apprentice learning from them. I produced my own first movie in 2007. It was entitled Tolani Osinrin.