Monday, November 25, 2013

ASUU’s New Conditions To Call Off 5-Month Strike

It’s doubtful if ASUU would call off the 5-month strike as expected as new conditions for the Federal government have been set out by the Union’s leaders.

The listed conditions include:
  • Immediate payment of their accumulated 4-months  salary arrears, covering the period the lecturers were on strike. 
  • Immediate release of N100 billion out of the proposed N1.2 trillion with the remaining balance spread over the next 5 years. 
  • Other conditions in the 2009 agreement remain the same.
Meanwhile any compromise or deaf ears to these conditions by the FG may dash hope that ASUU will put an end to the strike.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

most of developed world are concerned with education more than anything but in our own, it is always money for show. No education no society, if they know. may God help us in naija.