Thursday, November 28, 2013

Mysterious Healing River Emerges In Enugu State

A river believed to have healing powers mysteriously appeared in Nachi community, Udi Local Government Area of Enugu State. Although it has already been named 'Orimiri Jordan' (River Jordan) and has become a Pilgrimage Centre hosting people plagued from all parts of Nigeria. Countless testimonies abound as people struggle to dip themselves into the River for healing.
According to reports, it all started on 11th day of November 2013 when a Fulani herdsman ran to the community and announced how water suddenly filled the place just few minutes after he passed.
The Fulani said no sooner he passed the place with herd of cattle than he heard a strange noise. When he turned back, he discovered that a big stream has emerged at the same place where he just passed with his cattle. At that point, he ran to Garki and informed his relatives who also came there and discovered that the water has healing power. Meanwhile, the news spread like fire to the community, a source disclosed.
Speaking on the origin of the river, the traditional ruler of Nachi community, His Royal Highness, Igwe F. O. Onuigbo, Obi II of Nachi, said in his palace that the Mystery River was older than him. He said "I used to pass through that area to attend school at Inyi-Achi in Oji River in the early 40s.
In those days there is no water there, the only thing you see there is white sand. But once you get there and you are thirsty, all you need to do is to scratch the surface of the land and ask it for water and water will full your hand immediately if you are an upright person, but if you are evil, no water will come out. That has been the situation".
Another octogenarian, Chief Fest Ude said "Later we noticed that after some years, the water would form a stream there and disappear in few weeks. If such happens, we will be fetching water there. However, women who are menstruating and evil people don’t go there. We never heard about healing power of the River until this recent appearance of the River.
“The last time it appeared was in 1992, and at that time, it just formed a small stream which later disappeared. It has never been as large as this. This is all I know, we have never known about its healing power, this is the first time we are hearing about healing, I don’t know whether it is true, we equally heard it like you.”
Sources disclosed that many visitors had testified to all forms of miracles after visiting the place. People of all ages, with all forms of ailments are being assisted by their relatives and friends to dip themselves into the River.
Meanwhile, the crowd of anxious Nigerians seeking for miraculous solutions to their various problems has continued to surge into the River. Even security agents are not left behind as some of them were seen either with their water cans or aiding their loved ones into the River.
However, the water is expected to also dry up any time in the same mysterious way as it came.

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