Friday, August 22, 2014

New Academic Session Postponed – Ogun State Government

Ogun State Commissioner for Education, Science and Technology, Mr. Segun Odubela, said on Thursday that the state government had postponed the resumption date for all primary and secondary schools in the state. Therefore, the resumption date earlier fixed for September 15, 2014 had been shifted to a date to be announced later.

According to a statement made by the commissioner on Thursday, the development was in response to the Federal Ministry of Education’s directive that schools in the country should hold on resumption for 2014/2015 in order to curtail the spread of the infectious and deadly Ebola Virus Disease.

Odubela advised parents and guardians to take proper care of their children and wards by monitoring their movement and engaging them in academic activities.
Reacting to the development, many parents commended and support while some also supposed the health officials be posted to schools whenever the pupils resume to ensure that no pupil with the EVD was allowed to mix with others.

“I want to suggest that whenever the pupils will resume for the 2014/2015 session, medical personnel should be posted to the schools with the necessary equipment to carry out test on the pupils, in order to detect those who might want to import the deadly virus into the state,” quoted.

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